Cricket Fly APK – Sports Game Free Download For Android

Cricket Fly APK – Sports Game Free Download For Android

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Overview Information

Name Cricket Fly - Sports Game
Publisher Gamifly
Category Sports
Size n/a
Updated On
Sports games are always fun to play as many of the games tend to provide a realistic-looking experience for gamers. Cricket Fly APK is a bit different that comes with a unique...

5/5 - (3 votes)

Sports games are always fun to play as many of the games tend to provide a realistic-looking experience for gamers. Cricket Fly APK is a bit different that comes with a unique Sci-Fi-Themed cricketing experience for the lovers of this sport.

  1. What is Cricket Fly APK – Sports Game
  2. Key Features of Cricket Fly – Sports Game APK
  3. Basic System Requirements
  4. How to Download Cricket Fly APK
  5. FAQs
  6. Is Cricket Fly APK safe to download
  7. Can I Play This Game Offline?
  8. Does the Game Needs a Registration, to Begin with?
  9. Conclusion

This gaming app is developed a developed called Gamify and it is one of the recently released games for android devices. It claims to be the first sci-fi-themed cricket game in the market. It allows gamers to play all types of shots on the field with unique 3D graphics.

A player will be able to pick his favorite international team and win games to earn rewards. The fielding for you is done by flying robots. As a player, you can bowl and bat and play fast-paced one-over matches.

What is Cricket Fly APK – Sports Game

The Cricket Fly APK is a distinctive cricketing experience with amazing 3D graphics and sci-fi-themed gameplay. You will get to bowl and bat only. For fielding, there are flying robotic helicopters. Players have the option of hitting the ball all around the ground. It’s quite a similar cricket game to Sachin Saga Cricket.

As a batter, you can all types of shots you get to see in real-life cricket matches. While batting a player must connect the ball with perfect timing in order to hit the ball for six. There is no running between the wicket as the player will be awarded runs based on his timing.

As s bowler, you can change the line and length of the ball as well as vary the pace to deceive your opponent. The game requires you to log in with a social account Google or Facebook to be able to use all the features.

You can also check the leaderboard and see who is dominating the charts week by week. The practice feature allows you to practice both bowling and batting. In this way, you can practice all the shots before stepping into the field for a proper match.

Gamers can earn rewards by beating their opponents and utilizing them in a variety of customizable options. You can challenge your friends to have a match once you are logged in with a social account. The app will show which of your friends play this game and gives you the option to invite them to a contest.

Using the Cricket Fly APK download option available on this page, you can easily download this intriguing cricketing experience on your device. It has all the good features to become your favorite app you use on your smartphone.

Key Features of Cricket Fly – Sports Game APK

  • It is free to play and download
  • Sci-fi-themed
  • Only requires a sign-in with a social account to able to enjoy all features
  • There is a play-as-a-guest option in which you can practice and play 1 over matches
  • Challenge your friends
  • See the leaderboard charts
  • In-app purchases option
  • Doesn’t requires large storage space or Ram requirements
  • 3D graphics 
  • Robotic helicopters for fielding
  • Many more

Basic System Requirements

The game needs the following system requirements to be able to play it.

  • It requires an android version of 5.1 or up
  • A minimum of 1GB storage space to accommodate all files
  • A minimum of 1 GB Ram to run smoothly

How to Download Cricket Fly APK

For those of you seeking updated versions of Android Apk files. We can assure you that Android user can use our website with confidence. This is because we share only official, authentic versions. In order to ensure that the user gets the right Apk file, it has already been installed on a variety of devices.

At first, we installed several Android smartphones with the gaming app to ensure the privacy and security of the gamers. As soon as we installed the latest version, we discovered that it worked smoothly and was free to use. By tapping the provided link, you will automatically begin the download.

Once the file is downloaded, apply the installation process to enjoy the game on your device.


Is Cricket Fly APK safe to download

Yes, it is safe as we only offer the Apk files that won’t harm your device.

Can I Play This Game Offline?

Yes, you can enjoy this game offline as well.

Does the Game Needs a Registration, to Begin with?

Yes, but you just need to log in with Google or Facebook account.


There is a variety of cricket games to play for this sports admirer but Cricket Fly APK offers a distinctive experience and claims to be the first sci-fi cricketing adventure. With just on single tap on the download button you can install this gaming app and enjoy the fun ride.

Rate and Review by Google Play Store

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