Smash Cricket APK Download Free Latest Version for Android

Smash Cricket APK Download Free Latest Version for Android

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5/5 - (2 votes)

Overview Information

Name Smash Cricket
Publisher Moonfrog
Category Sports
Size Updated: 2016-08-05
Requires Android 2.3.4
Updated On
Cricket is one of the famous games around the world. With the introduction of short overs, the fame has soared even higher. If you too love short over matches then Smash Crick...

5/5 - (2 votes)

Cricket is one of the famous games around the world. With the introduction of short overs, the fame has soared even higher. If you too love short over matches then Smash Cricket APK is the right choice for you. Find out why by grabbing the latest version APK file.

  1. About Smash Cricket APK
  2. Key Features
  3. How to download Smash Cricket APK?
  4. FAQs
  5. What is Smash Cricket?
  6. Can I download Smash Cricket APK from Google Play Store?
  7. Is it safe to use this file?
  8. Conclusion
  9. What's Latest New

T20 matches are great fun. Here the batting team has to smash the ball around the field to score as high as possible. This is why there are more thrilling and energetic moments in this game as compared to ODIs and test matches.

If you want to live a moment like this on your Android mobile phone or tablet, then we have come up with this option for you. Check out what it is all about by pressing the download button given above. Keep reading to find out all the details.

About Smash Cricket APK

It is an Android application to play live cricket on your mobile phone or tablet same as Cricket Fly. The developers claim that it is the best live cricket app to enjoy playing T20 games. Nobody has time to keep playing for hours. The same goes for watching any sport.

Considering this problem, the International Cricket Council introduce the T20 match format in the game. This is why more and more people have started to take interest in the game. Now, if you too think that it is something interesting, here is your chance to try it out live.

In this live contest, you can bring your friends to the ground and play against them in real time. The app is totally free. You can contest with your friends online to become a champion internationally. This is not the best part. There are rather other great options.

The gamers can create their own dream teams, picking the best players from around the world. Choose between online and offline modes. With stunning graphics, anyone using the app can spend hours without getting bored.

Key Features

This awesome app makes playing cricket more fun. With great presentation and the element of challenging other opponents live, it is the default choice. Various features make playing a game here a real thrill. So if you want to check it out, here is what you will find on your mobile phone screen with Smash Cricket APK installed.

  • Create your team and challenge all the cricket-playing nations to become the champion.
  • Go online and challenge your friends and other online players to win matches.
  • Develop your own dream team from more than 41 players. Manage them and win trophies.
  • Try to put your hands on trophies like Premier League, Champions Cup, Super Series, Challengers Cup, and finally World Cup.
  • Super energetic atmosphere to keep playing for hours without getting bored.
  • The app is totally free to install and use.
  • Challenge anyone online for a quick match.
  • Offline option too, so no need for constant data or Wi-Fi connection.
  • Realistic gameplay in all aspects from hitting the ball with the bat to bowling.
  • Various game modes include World Cup, limited over, challenge, friendly, chase down, and others.
  • A chance to improve your game as you level up through various phases.
  • Option to upgrade your team to perform even better and challenge tougher opponents in the future.

How to download Smash Cricket APK?

If you have an Android device, be it a smartphone or a tablet all you need is an active internet connection. After that, if you are not sure how to proceed then here is the step-by-step guide for you.

  1. First, tap the button for downloading. It will take you to the page where your file will be ready in a few seconds. Once the APK file is ready, tap on it and this will start the process of downloading.
  2. The next step is to go to the device settings. There locate the security settings and enable unknown sources. With this enabled, you can now install third-party apps easily.
  3. Now, make sure your download is complete. Go to file manager and locate the APK file. Next, tap on it and grant the required permissions. Then press next and this will start the process of installation. After a while, the app will be ready for use.


What is Smash Cricket?

It is a live cricket playing app for Android devices.

Can I download Smash Cricket APK from Google Play Store?

The APK files are usually available on third-party websites. The Play Store gives the option for direct installation only.

Is it safe to use this file?

We have tested it on multiple devices and it is working fine. You can tap the button and get it as well. The latest version provided here is totally safe.


Smash Cricket APK is one of the best cricketing apps for Android. Having both live and offline modes there is a whole list of options for cricket lovers. Get yours from our website for free by tapping the download button given below.

What's Latest New

Optimizations and bug fixes.

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